Many thanks to the Deerhound Club Committee for my invitation to judge the 125th anniversary Southern Show. I had a great day which was all due to the friendliness and organisation of all concerned.
1st Helps Beardswood Quillian - Well boned 7 month youngster, dark eye, strong neck and good depth of chest. Strong in loin, crisp dark coat.
2nd Astons Stranwith Slate to Balgaled - A bit unsettled today. He has a good head and good bend of stifle. Needs time to fill out.
3rd Greyflax Pie in the sky
1st Wilkinsons Sireadh Chase - Tall free moving 17 month male. Shown in very good condition. Deep chest. Strong hind quarters, a touch upright in front. He held he held his own in the line up among some good company. R.B.D
1st Spring Arnolds Sorisdale Macmanus - 3 year old grey dog. Good head with dark eye, well set ears. Shown in fit condition, low set houghs but was flat in top line and carried his tail too high whilst moving.
2nd Stranwith Slate to Balgaled
3rd Greyflax Pie in the Sky
1st Churchills Lealla Liath - Lovely type. Kind expression, dark eye, well constructed,front .Correct rise over top line and well put together backend. Stood out in the class but unfortunately was a bit lacklustre in challenge.
2nd Boswells Glenmorlich Hold the Dream - Scored in head, lovely expression. Decent front angulation, good fall away and low set hocks Would have preferred a harsher coat.
3rd Morrisseys Glenmorlich Catch the Wind to Hartvalley
1st Churchills Lealla Lephin - Instantly caught my eye, well proportioned, medium sized hound, very good head, he is a substantial long cast hound with good length from hip to hock coat in healthy condition.
2nd Bonds Pyefleet Silas - Larger made hound the 1st. Very fit muscular hound who was determined to play his handler up. Deep chested dog with good width over hind quarters. A bit strong in the head for me but looks like he could come into his own in the field.
3rd Glenmorlich Hold the Dream
OPEN DOG (4,2)
1st Heathcote & Spences Hyndsight Riddick- Imposing 2 ½ year male. Good head shape. Strong neck and well made front. Excellent fore chest, deep bodied, strong in loin, broad quarters. Looked good moving from all angles. Shown in tip top condition. B.O.B
2nd Meers Kilbourne Harvey at Lordswell - Very good exhibit shown in immaculate condition. Lovely head, deep chest, correct rise over loin. Well let down hocks I admired him but would just like to see more of him.
1st Helps Beardswood Quintessence - Very feminine puppy, well constructed throughout, sweet head, strong neck and well laid shoulder. Plenty of length about her. Shown in excellent condition, right out the top drawer. B.P
1st Wilkinsons Sireadh Charm - Very nice type, lovely head, well folded ears and good reach of neck, deep chest and broad hind quarters, litter sister of Junior Dog, owner should be proud of them both.
2nd Barter & Christians Ehlaradawn Raindances - Taller bitch just going through an awkward stage but a good type, decent front. Still to develop in hind quarters, not the movement of 1st .
3rd Roses Hyndsight Summer Breeze
1st Faircloths Beardswood Nismh at Calbraidh - Very well presented Dark Bitch. Good outline with deep chest and powerful back end. Fit hound that looks like she would enjoy a bit of running.
2nd Clements Glenmorlich Bonnie Annie - Scored in head, very gentle expression. Good rise over top line and nice bend of stifle. Moved ok, coat could be harsher.
3rd Lucas & Dargonnes Glenmorlich None so Pretty for Packaway
1st Girlings Plyfleet Scrumpie - Very Powerful bitch in top condition. Deep chest, strong in loin, good top line and croup. Would have liked more hind angulation to complete the picture.
2nd Barter & Christians Hyndsight Wind Dancer at Ehlaradawn - Feminine bitch with correct coat, good in fore chest. Kind expression, given time could develop into a good deerhound.
3rd Buckleys Plyfleet Spirit of Sarah
1st Churchills Lealla Linnofdee - Unexaggerated 2 ½ year bitch. Plenty of quality here. Good head with neat folded ears. Well constructed front and back, good depth of chest, well sprung ribs, best mover in class.
2nd Helps Beardswood Panthera - Shown in good condition, just a bit strong in head. She has a good fore chest, top line and good in the long bones but she moved very closely behind.
3rd Faircloths Beardswood Posey at Calbraidh
Nice class including 3rd place
1st Smiths Rosslyn Pollie of Nimloth - Quality throughout, maturing into a very good deerhound, soft expression, good length of neck , well laid shoulder, strong loin with good length. Wide hind quarters with good bend of stifle. Moved well. R.B.B
2nd Buswells Glenmorlich Just for Fun - Well made grey bitch. Beautiful head, very shapely hound, well angulated front and back. Just didn’t move with much gusto.
3rd Hawkins Wolfcastle Cilydd at Gylladare
1st Finnet & Heathcotes Hyndsight Fallen Angel - Striking 3 ½ year bitch, excellent condition with correct crisp coat. Dark eye, soft expression, good front, well angulated front and back. Good reach of neck,. Easy true movement. Credit to owners. Best Bitch. R.B.I.S
2nd Bonds Regalflight Moth - Bitch I have long admired. Correct head shape, strong in couplings, lovely hind quarters with low set hocks. She moved really well despite the heat and the few extra pounds she was carrying!
3rd Buswells Glenmorlich Just for Fun
1st Adams Hyforn Ulia for Zandahar SHCH - Feminine 8 year old bitch. Well put together, good depth throughout. Lovely fall away into broad quarters. Carrying a bit of weight but still a very nice hound.
2nd Spences Rosslyn Magi Among Shagied - Upstanding male. 8 years old today. Strong deep chested hound with correct top line and well muscled rear. Just a bit wide in front. Good mover.
3rd Buswells Ghylladare Kinglas of Glenmorlich